How to use your new progressive lenses

How to use your new progressive lenses

Your New Progressive Lenses are a truly advanced design for vision correction and will give you the most natural vision at all distances. As with all lenses, you will need to learn how to use them, limitations in your case will be explained to you at the time of...
15 Best Women Glasses Trends

15 Best Women Glasses Trends

There is no greater accessory than a pair of glasses to update your appearance, provide a fresh viewpoint, or uplift your disposition. Glasses are the first fashion accessory people notice, whether participating in virtual meetings or finally going on vacation. At...
Importance of regular eye check up

Importance of regular eye check up

Most of us believe that as long as we can see clearly, we don’t need regular eye exams. We may feel that an online test or a trip to the optician for a pair of glasses is enough to ensure our eye health. The truth is different. Most vision-threatening disorders...
How do sunglasses protect your eyes?

How do sunglasses protect your eyes?

Getting your daily dosage of Vitamin D in moderation will do your body a lot of good, but if you exceed the limit, your body could be affected. Sunlight contains visible light, ultraviolet (UV) light, and infrared (IR) light, which cannot be seen by the naked eye. Too...